Mob Stages

Mob Stages


Thaumcraft portals not being staged

happybandit360 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Thaumcraft portals register as entities as "thaumcraft:cultistportallesser" and "thaumcraft:cultistportalgreater". I have them staged via the
mods.MobStages.addStage("thaumcraft", "thaumcraft:cultistportalgreater");
method, but they are still spawning and allowing Cultists to spawn despite the stage being lock. Any suggestion on what to do about this?


This mod only stages the spawning of mobs. If it does not work with Thaumcraft's entities then it is likely that Thaumcraft does not spawn their mobs properly and are not using the right forge events. This would need to be fixed on their end.


I thought that might be the case. Thanks for your time.