Mixin causing crash due to possible interference with FabricShieldLib.
CringeStar opened this issue ยท 14 comments
This override I think is causing the issue 142 in FabricShieldLib.
Here is the crash log provided on our issue: https://pastebin.com/JpakGKAx
You can head over to our issue for more detail.
Works great with FabricShieldLib-1.6.0-1.19.jar version
That version of the library is outdated, as we are now on 1.7. Also, the other cause of this problem is that your mixin is declared abstract which causes the crash:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method net/mobz/item/Shield.getCoolDownTicks()I is abstract
at net.mobz.item.Shield.getCoolDownTicks(Shield.java)
at com.github.crimsondawn45.fabricshieldlib.initializers.FabricShieldLibClient.lambda$onInitializeClient$0(FabricShieldLibClient.java:73)
at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.item.v1.ItemTooltipCallback.lambda$static$0(ItemTooltipCallback.java:37)
at net.minecraft.class_1799.handler$gao000$fabric-item-api-v1$getTooltip(net/fabricmc/fabric/mixin/item/client/ItemStackMixin.java
The main source of this issue appears to be the mixin in this mod is declared abstract. @rikka0w0
I'm having the same issue. It started happening after pulling C2ME.
Manu's advice works fine for me.
It references an outdated version of the library, so it idnt a fix. Also, we are trying to update the library to our next version (1.7.1) and this bug has halted our development since we want to fix the issue in the update. @rikka0w0 Please update and fix your mod.
@rikka0w0 Please fix this, as we are trying to release the next library version and this is the last major bug left.