Modern Beta [Fabric]

Modern Beta [Fabric]


Suggestion | Beta mechanics

Simple205 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I've wanted to use fabric for a classic experience for the longest time because of your mods but because of another mod on forge that restores beta mechanics and has tons of configuration options I couldn't give that up. I don't know how to write code or make mods but can you make a fully fledged configurable mod that restores beta mechanics?

Configurable options include

  • Remove hunger
  • Attack cooldown and sweeping edge (also gets rid of op axe damage)
  • Food stack (disabling food stack enables instant eating from beta)
  • No pull bow
  • Disable sprint
  • Old main menu

I don't know the chances of this becoming a reality especially because of another mod out there that does the exact same thing on forge but if it does I'm definitely going to fabric.


I appreciate the suggestion, and I definitely would like to see a mod like this. Unfortunately, I am a little too busy to be the one to write it, sorry!