- 5
Customizable Escalator Speed
#19 opened by Scwestbrook - 4
There are new MTR trains in real life
#18 opened by Eric28020 - 10
Opening schedule from track on dedicated server freezes the game
#16 opened by Noaaan - 2
Train gets out from track after stopping
#15 opened by BoscoChung1234 - 16
Opening Railway Dashboard and using brush on rail always causes game instant crash
#13 opened by BoscoChung1234 - 2
Is there a MTR train ticket?
#12 opened by Eric28020 - 4
Escelator performance
#11 opened by Noaaan - 1
Minecraft not responding crash
#10 opened by Anders-AAU - 1
Exits train from the left every time
#8 opened by Toma2yourblock - 3
Crash with tweakaroo
#7 opened by Anders-AAU - 1
Shaders compatibility for 1.12.2
#5 opened by bengrebe - 1
#4 opened by g-plane - 3
[MTR-1.10.2-2.1.1] crash when placing trains.
#3 opened by BuckTheWeasel