- 1
Shaders compatibility for 1.12.2
#5 opened by bengrebe - 3
Crash with tweakaroo
#7 opened by Anders-AAU - 1
Exits train from the left every time
#8 opened by Toma2yourblock - 1
Minecraft not responding crash
#10 opened by Anders-AAU - 4
Escelator performance
#11 opened by Noaaan - 2
Is there a MTR train ticket?
#12 opened by Eric28020 - 16
Opening Railway Dashboard and using brush on rail always causes game instant crash
#13 opened by BoscoChung1234 - 2
Train gets out from track after stopping
#15 opened by BoscoChung1234 - 10
Opening schedule from track on dedicated server freezes the game
#16 opened by Noaaan - 4
There are new MTR trains in real life
#18 opened by Eric28020 - 5
Customizable Escalator Speed
#19 opened by Scwestbrook - 2
Next Train Timer
#20 opened by Scwestbrook - 2
Light Rail Train doesn't show up
#21 opened by Scwestbrook - 4
Walk-off leaving method
#22 opened by Scwestbrook - 1
Github Discussions
#23 opened by Scwestbrook - 1
How am I supposed to fix this?
#24 opened by Eric28020 - 4
Train carriage disappears instead of moving along planned route
#26 opened by happy2452354 - 0
It crashes when you place a stop sign, it crashes when you zoom in on a railroad dashboard
#27 opened by Polish-ball-man - 6
Feature request: looping routes
#29 opened by vtenfys - 37
Why was the train stuck in the tunnel
#30 opened by Polish-ball-man - 4
Add An on-off door prompt
#31 opened by Polish-ball-man - 5
#32 opened by jonathanqwq - 2
Add an airport train
#33 opened by Polish-ball-man - 5
Designate rail segments one-way
#34 opened by 16-squared - 6
When the train is about to arrive, report the station
#41 opened by Polish-ball-man - 6
platform block placement doesn't align rotation with placement direction
#42 opened by JadianRadiator - 8
[Feature Request] The ability to see a parked/docked train's doors will be while parked/docked
#43 opened by JadianRadiator - 2
Disallow players to place block when they are inside a train
#45 opened by PeterWan816 - 1
Train griefing in to the other when spawning
#46 opened by PeterWan816 - 3
Some PIDS can't use both side screen
#47 opened by Forest103 - 2
More type of PIDS
#48 opened by Forest103 - 1
Misspelling translate on Chinese Version
#44 opened by Forest103 - 1
allow us to hide route that are displayed on psd/platform gates
#50 opened by JLC87 - 2
A train that can be driven automatically or manually
#51 opened by Polish-ball-man - 3
[MTR-1.10.2-2.1.1] crash when placing trains.
#3 opened by BuckTheWeasel - 1
#4 opened by g-plane