- 3
#257 opened by SteveNotSet - 1
#253 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 5
Route sign with numbers for branches
#256 opened by itzseven7 - 2
Trains skip stations in P9 U2
#267 opened by Ultimate-USA-YT - 4
#258 opened by Ultimate-USA-YT - 0
You cannot change the direction of the route sign below y=0.
#260 opened by SunBedrock - 3
Game crash on beta-9-unofficial-1
#261 opened by funbuket9 - 1
too fast rendering causes bug
#264 opened by Entchenbrot - 3
404 Not found on LOCALHOST while running game
#265 opened by zjx2007 - 2
#268 opened by saphsara - 4
Feature Request: Station announcement block
#270 opened by winup-zhou - 6
[Enhancement]World time sync with real time & First/Last train setting with announcement
#271 opened by DreamUniverse843 - 7
Bug and enhancement to the terminal station 对终点站的改进
#272 opened by code2828 - 3
Add new train新加入一些列车
#274 opened by xiaotang27 - 6
Not showing up station name in some cases
#275 opened by TSStudio - 2
#276 opened by jonathanqwq - 5
#277 opened by jonathanqwq - 1
#278 opened by jonathanqwq - 2
#279 opened by jonathanqwq - 1
I haven't train in game
#280 opened by sabera-7 - 2
Dynamic view distance recommended.
#281 opened by TSStudio - 3
There are something wrong when 1.17.1 update to 1.18.1
#287 opened by WNCX - 3
Depot path not generating
#289 opened by cerqiest - 3
Path Generation Status Bug
#290 opened by xEdziu - 3
Trash Bin Bug
#291 opened by xEdziu - 2
Getting kicked out of train
#297 opened by xEdziu - 1
#303 opened by a160052 - 1
The depot section is not working
#304 opened by 9-SK - 0
add automatic turnstile Hong Kong
#306 opened by a160052 - 7
AI Passengers
#307 opened by Minecraftispro - 3
Players bug out mid train ride and are left floating as the train continues
#314 opened by Navy737 - 5
Crashes in 1.18.1 Server while exploding with Platform Screen Doors
#311 opened by DreamUniverse843 - 6
PIDS not showing on station "Central" heading to "Gohkamah Town"
#318 opened by Neon4UltraPlays - 2
Add MTR high speed train to Forge/Fabric mod
#319 opened by Neon4UltraPlays - 3
Add this Pokémon train to TR
#321 opened by Neon4UltraPlays - 10
增加停车位置标和接触网/第三轨 优化售票系统(多人模式)
#325 opened by miaowuawa - 2
#326 opened by miaowuawa - 0
Can't change train type
#327 opened by Ian1141 - 3
MOD 没中文
#328 opened by Yexiaowei11 - 2
#330 opened by smallzeng18 - 2
While at the end of the platform,the PSD can't show the Route Map entirely.
#331 opened by DreamUniverse843 - 4
Please add a free-angle rail node! More angles of the lines are in need!
#332 opened by Spray-C - 4
Add 3 train doors trains like Small train(has 4 train doors)&Mini train(has 2 train doors)
#350 opened by xiaobaimao233 - 4
#351 opened by CokeStudios - 6
Refresh Path button not working on multiplayer server
#352 opened by Kiritow - 10
Rails hit performance
#353 opened by Aviator737 - 3
[Suggestion] Don't make rain pass through trains
#337 opened by squid233 - 4
Crash when creating Depot / Mod Compatibility Issue with Tinkers Construct
#339 opened by LuKasMitK - 6
[1.17.1] entity.mtr.seat is following every player
#341 opened by MSandro - 1
#342 opened by BLAZINGKAT