- 8
Can't move when using this mod
#435 opened by JonnyTang1 - 2
Loading error
#437 opened by zaleml - 1
#425 opened by Mi6A16 - 17
[1.20.1][1.19.3][1.18.2] Do not dismount players on dim change- Mod conflict with Ad Astra, Beyond earth mod and Space Dimensions mod.
#427 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Resource Pack Creator Rework
#428 opened by gdshu1337 - 2
Webserver not working
#429 opened by LoadDoesDev - 2
Cull trains
#432 opened by squid233 - 2
Odd messages in server console
#433 opened by cpm9 - 6
High memory usage
#434 opened by Kenny-Hui - 9
Mod Not Loading Properly
#450 opened by JaydenChu0731 - 3
#451 opened by MinecraftPerson - 2
Muiltiplayer Bugs
#438 opened by tkp30 - 1
Some suggestions for custom model rendering settings. 一些为自定义模型渲染设置所想的建议。
#439 opened by Mira-LeafTown - 1
#440 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 4
Metal side of rails not rendering/invisible
#441 opened by SmugSw2 - 5
To Build a MTR Mod Wiki and download station in China Mianland
#442 opened by mtrfanstiezai - 4
When running with create, the train of create will make a critical attack sound
#443 opened by UQRARA - 5
Unable to Refresh Path
#445 opened by Mausthedog - 2
Seperate the acceleration and the deceleration.
#446 opened by CokeStudios - 1
[1.19] Crash on load due to breaking changes in Forge
#447 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
log bug
#448 opened by lostopkk - 2
#449 opened by TingChangHang - 2
Mtr error bug
#452 opened by TLB337 - 2
Adding mph to the speedometer
#453 opened by saleem0915 - 1
Sided_Setup Error
#454 opened by Zetonium - 1
Update to forge 1.19.1 Please
#455 opened by Zygus42 - 5
Does MTR support Express trains?
#456 opened by saleem0915 - 3
Game Crash when joined the Server!
#465 opened by TheRedstoneWolf - 1
Railway spawns 2 blocks below
#457 opened by Shimumel - 7
Platform screen doors won't open
#458 opened by Shimumel - 4
Trains take the wrong route
#459 opened by EhrenNick - 2
TTS Improvement
#462 opened by tkp30 - 0
Curseforge urls missing
#464 opened by Jack253-png - 1
Waterloggable Railway Nodes
#484 opened by sleepysapph - 1
Vertical Exit Signs 关于添加竖形出口指示牌显示个别建筑的建议
#466 opened by aslowpainter - 4
Latest Bluemap version is incompatible with latest full release of MTR (v3.0.1)
#472 opened by sleepysapph - 1
Metro Medellín
#473 opened by Jeromey092 - 1
Cable Car not slowing down on CC Station node (+platform rail)
#474 opened by TobaT3 - 3
Why can't I download the files
#476 opened by Jay20081229 - 2
[1.18 Fabric] incompatible with create mod 0.5c
#479 opened by bellakeys - 8
Bug in unofficial-5-hotfix-1 (may not be reproducible) 在unofficial-5-hotfix-1版本中出现的漏洞(可能无法复现)
#480 opened by Mira-LeafTown - 3
Xaero's World Map Incompatibility
#487 opened by sleepysapph - 1
PIDS (variant 2) only showing one side (but not always)
#488 opened by TobaT3 - 6
Changeable or at least consistent order of lines (railway sign route tile, announcements, etc.)
#489 opened by TobaT3 - 5
Player falls through floor when riding cable car
#490 opened by tommyskeff - 1
Elevator Floor Track Not Editable
#492 opened by ATrashbin - 0
New feature request: Add Fire-fighting equipments
#493 opened by fr1g - 2
Can't ride the cable car
#494 opened by Craft374 - 3
Waterways on Railway system map and transport companies.
#496 opened by ajh123 - 4
Please add another type of NYC MTA train to MTR
#498 opened by saleem0915