- 0
Add Classical Chinese Translation
#673 opened by ZOPtTMX22zcBAl6i1HbGPbFwZzuelxkr8Zlq1t3 - 1
Add sound of DIY train
#678 opened by kester0312 - 6
#679 opened by Yexiaowei11 - 0
Route Navigation(probably) within localhost:8888 returns error.
#680 opened by Jacky0987 - 1
#674 opened by Yexiaowei11 - 1
Bug while leaving a train
#675 opened by Agrannok - 2
Ticket Processors letting players with 0 $ through, leading to a balance of -1
#676 opened by Alidonis - 2
Crash: CTD Minecraft 1.19.2; Quilt 0.18.10
#681 opened by LunarPidgeon - 1
My Train passes almost all stations except one and in that the train wont depart
#682 opened by FewCurve - 1
#683 opened by sssysy - 1
#684 opened by pokOSlanx - 2
Pathfinder refuses to work for some routes.
#685 opened by SachaStickman - 5
#686 opened by YYLWZDXPGD - 0
#687 opened by YYLWZDXPGD - 3
MTR hosted on server has an issue of 3 minutes delay on the timeboard.
#688 opened by Jacky0987 - 2
无法加载网络模型 | Not Able to Load Mesh Items in Resoursepack Creator
#689 opened by ACS-resources - 2
#690 opened by Sophiapinkcutie - 0
Crashed when editing platform gates
#691 opened by JaydenChu0731 - 0
I'd like to have the new Q trains
#692 opened by Sophiapinkcutie - 1
How To remove Elevators?
#693 opened by Thekielgamer - 2
Airplane Bug
#694 opened by Thekielgamer - 4
Elevator Doors make blocks around it unbreakable until server syncs with client
#695 opened by bernzrdo - 1
Decoration Addon loading error
#698 opened by BoborMBI2 - 1
Elevator doors staying open(Note: does not crash)
#699 opened by CowSheep72 - 0
minecraft transit railway resource oack bug
#708 opened by SethPederito2023 - 3
Support for 1.7.10 and 1.12.2
#709 opened by diyamomd45 - 1
minecraft mtr 1.20 update
#700 opened by Jecakoh - 4
1.20 "mod failed to load correctly"
#701 opened by CookieMan3211 - 0
Speed Elevator
#702 opened by ForTyxx13 - 1
Mipmap are dropped
#703 opened by squid233 - 3
Problem with Passenger Information Display System
#704 opened by JohnDeereLiebhaber - 6
the platform screen doors are glitched when i place them in 1.20 curseforge with fabric api and architectury
#705 opened by thingy108 - 2
Some requests for the MTR mod
#706 opened by CowSheep72 - 3
Pleasell me how to get OVERHEAD WIRES and PANTOGRAPHS please!!! im on singleplayer 1.19.4
#717 opened by thingy108 - 2
Pathfinding algorithm doesn't choose the best route.
#710 opened by Libertas007 - 2
Make ticket currency configurable.
#711 opened by shantih19 - 5
Ad Astra Lander not working
#713 opened by Drakune - 1
停站较多的长线路不能刷新路线 | Can't create the path of a long route
#715 opened by NTC2-MEMZ - 1
1.20.1 fabirc服务端加载遇到问题 | 1.20.1 fabirc server load error
#722 opened by ayakasuki - 2
这个模组的改进|Improvement of this mod.
#720 opened by YYLWZDXPGD - 3
Encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase [1.19] [PLEASE HELP]
#718 opened by rvglx - 1
Update Modern Elevators and Escalators
#728 opened by ShenxPresent - 4
Error 404 on Webserver with Quilt Modloader
#726 opened by rdvdev2 - 4
Lift Dore's and Displays are buggy in 1.20.1 fabric (alpha version of mod)
#727 opened by justinsanjp - 2
1.20.1 Forge服务器安装MTR无法启动 | 1.20.1 Forge server cannot start when MTR installed
#724 opened by littlekan233 - 1
Passenger Information Display System problem
#725 opened by freesomebodywh - 0
Translation Rework
#732 opened by AoSankaku - 2
(Forge) MTR-forge-1.20-3.2.2-hotfix-1.jar installation crashed on server
#729 opened by garrett20090 - 7
1.20.1 Crash Reports
#730 opened by oopsjoe - 2
[1.18.2-Forge] Statiom Decoration crash
#731 opened by CptPICHU