- 0
minecraft transit railway resource oack bug
#708 opened by SethPederito2023 - 3
Support for 1.7.10 and 1.12.2
#709 opened by diyamomd45 - 4
1.20 "mod failed to load correctly"
#701 opened by CookieMan3211 - 0
Speed Elevator
#702 opened by ForTyxx13 - 1
Mipmap are dropped
#703 opened by squid233 - 3
Problem with Passenger Information Display System
#704 opened by JohnDeereLiebhaber - 6
the platform screen doors are glitched when i place them in 1.20 curseforge with fabric api and architectury
#705 opened by thingy108 - 2
Some requests for the MTR mod
#706 opened by CowSheep72 - 3
Pleasell me how to get OVERHEAD WIRES and PANTOGRAPHS please!!! im on singleplayer 1.19.4
#717 opened by thingy108 - 2
Pathfinding algorithm doesn't choose the best route.
#710 opened by Libertas007 - 2
Make ticket currency configurable.
#711 opened by shantih19 - 5
Ad Astra Lander not working
#713 opened by Drakune - 1
停站较多的长线路不能刷新路线 | Can't create the path of a long route
#715 opened by NTC2-MEMZ - 1
1.20.1 fabirc服务端加载遇到问题 | 1.20.1 fabirc server load error
#722 opened by ayakasuki - 2
这个模组的改进|Improvement of this mod.
#720 opened by YYLWZDXPGD - 3
Encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase [1.19] [PLEASE HELP]
#718 opened by rvglx - 1
Update Modern Elevators and Escalators
#728 opened by ShenxPresent - 4
Error 404 on Webserver with Quilt Modloader
#726 opened by rdvdev2 - 4
Lift Dore's and Displays are buggy in 1.20.1 fabric (alpha version of mod)
#727 opened by justinsanjp - 2
1.20.1 Forge服务器安装MTR无法启动 | 1.20.1 Forge server cannot start when MTR installed
#724 opened by littlekan233 - 1
Passenger Information Display System problem
#725 opened by freesomebodywh - 0
Translation Rework
#732 opened by AoSankaku - 2
(Forge) MTR-forge-1.20-3.2.2-hotfix-1.jar installation crashed on server
#729 opened by garrett20090 - 7
1.20.1 Crash Reports
#730 opened by oopsjoe - 6
#734 opened by aaronrblxbbq - 2
[1.18.2-Forge] Statiom Decoration crash
#731 opened by CptPICHU - 5
Add the following server fix version to download pages
#741 opened by Jissee - 2
[Request] entity names
#735 opened by WalEl6512 - 3
Make the other dashboards craftable!
#736 opened by whiteeagle1985 - 2
Launch failed on 47.1.43 forge server
#738 opened by kanisiel2 - 2
Can't get the mod to work
#739 opened by Nouser1976 - 3
Added additional inbound sound files that reported errors on the server
#740 opened by Kino0208 - 1
Arrival Projectors show Trains Arriving to One Platform
#746 opened by TheElementGuy - 7
1.20.1 Hotfix 1 Forge release crashing server
#743 opened by ImKringle - 6
1.19.4 crash by connecting rail node to rail node using iron rail connector
#744 opened by nintendoroblox - 0
#745 opened by YYLWZDXPGD - 7
Faster Bridge Creators or More Tunnel/Wall Creators
#747 opened by hakuorai - 5
Ad Astra Lander bug
#748 opened by DragonMotion - 4
Only Minecart in mod
#749 opened by sadrainbow123 - 2
ı can use dashboard on every save but ı cant use dashboard in one save how can ı solve this problem
#750 opened by rakunvahit - 3
Integration with Create's railway system
#752 opened by thisisthedogtor - 2
[Bug report] Game crashing unexpectedly
#751 opened by TheFighter137 - 2
Automatic Platform Assigning
#753 opened by FeedCat02 - 2
Cant place rails
#754 opened by YsS15651w6 - 5
Screen Door behavior/ 屏蔽门问题
#755 opened by FlySandwich4 - 3
It's so creazy...
#756 opened by AGH11111 - 2
Adding a function to enforce a certain platform belongs to a station accurately.
#757 opened by DreamUniverse843 - 9
Game crashes when I refresh elevator tracks or edit signs
#761 opened by Trendysaucer795 - 2
#759 opened by Engry1960 - 9
#760 opened by SadEPa0628