Unable to mix stainless steel dust. Always results in Invar dust.
jbowman023 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
public static void init(MIRuntimeResourcePack pack) {
new AlloyBuilder("invar").addIngredient("iron", 2).addIngredient("nickel", 1).Build(pack);
new AlloyBuilder("stainless_steel").addIngredient("iron", 6).addIngredient("chrome", 1).addIngredient("nickel", 1)
.addIngredient("manganese", 1).Build(pack);
as you can see above, the mixer will always see "invar" first and mix that and will never result in "stainless_steel".
It's going to craft invar anyway if chrome or manganese is missing. The proper solution is to lock the outputs of your mixer to stainless steel dust.