Modern Industrialization

Modern Industrialization


Pipe Block, Report This

SirKnightBJ opened this issue · 8 comments


One of the player's on my server found this fun little oddity.

No Matter what I do, all surrounding tin cables try to connect to this invisible block. I can destroy it, but the cables still try to connect to it. When ever I try to lay a tin cable in those spaces, the empty little cube shows back up. I've tried to remove it with worldedit //set air I've also tried to use /setblock x y z air but no matter how i try to remove or replace the data that is in those blocks, the tin cables still try to connect. Any idea how to fix this?

2021-11-30_00 47 32


Check your client and server logs for some MI error, this is weird. It means that you don't receive the data for the pipe at that position for some reason.


Well there sure is an MI error in the log lol. Although, I'm not quite sure what to do about it. But right after I rebooted the server last night, I started messing with the pipe again as you will see near the end of the log, the error pops up quite a few times.


Hi @SirKnightBJ, I just added a command that should fix this. Can you try to run the /mi pipes <x> <y> <z> clear command with this build after enabling MI debug commands in the config? You might have to enable debug commands on the client and the server. It should remove any pipe (including ghost pipes) at the target location.

If you can make a backup before just in case, that's even better.
(the jar can be found in the build artifact at the bottom)


Awesome Thank you! Work is kind of chaos atm, so I don't think I'll have time to troubleshoot this tonight. Maybe tomorrow ¯_(ツ)_/¯. If you're on the edge of your seat about the feedback, I can send you the full multi-craft backup. It should only be like 6GB. Let me know! Thanks again!


It's ok, it can wait for tomorrow! I've released the fix in MI 0.7.3, so updating should be enough to have access to the new command without the need to grab a build from github.


@SirKnightBJ any update?


Assuming it's ok, I'm closing this.


I'm sorry. This month became quite overwhelming at work and I forgot to update you. The update worked great. Thanks for your hard work on these projects! I appreciate all you do for the community.