Modern Industrialization

Modern Industrialization


[Feature] Replicator Blacklist

TheCherry opened this issue ยท 4 comments


It would be nice if we can get a blacklist in the config for the replicator.
Else I have to disable the replicator on our dedicated server.


thx, so I have to implement a datapack for that? I played mc for a few years not.
Is it not easier within the json config file, as a simple array? For me as a server owner would that be a bit better at last.


You can use datapacks, yes. It takes a bit to get used to it but it's a powerful tool. You can find more info online, most likely.


Even better would be, if we can set the amount of UU-Matter for a item / block and if a item have -1 or none as value its not "replicatable".


For now we will keep a fixed amount of UU-Matter per replica. The blacklist is configured via the #modern_industrialization:replicator_blacklist tag: