Modern Industrialization

Modern Industrialization


Add compatibility for liquids with TR. Sorry if the problem is not yours but theirs.

Anzarot121 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


As the name says, I would really like to get at least a few fluids compatible, because it gets a bit annoying to build two large systems to get essentially the same thing.


Sorry, I didn't understand how to add labels


Which fluids? Many of these are too easy to access in TR for our purposes.


From the simplest Hydrogen, although it is easily obtained, I would definitely like to use those 100k cells with it that I received from converting bauxite dust to aluminum.


Certain of these fluids are actually chemical elements, and hydrogen is always hydrogen. It's extremely infuriating when they're not. And well defined chemical compounds shouldn't be "incompatible" either.

Of course, "heavy fuel" can be whatever it likes. But ethanol (C2H6O) cannot.


It needs careful consideration because the balances of MI and TR are not the same, and we risk creating accidental resource loops or plain unbalances if we were to blindly unify the fluids.


For now they will remain incompatible by design. TR already messes up enough of MI's progression as is, no need to make it worse.