Game won't start after updating to 2.2.26
MuteTiefling opened this issue · 8 comments
I've updated all mods in e10-dev and started encountering this issue. After some trial and error I've narrowed it down to Modern Industrialization. As soon as I update it, I'm no longer able to launch.
The errors seem a bit misleading. At first because it's referencing cumulus I thought the issue was Aether, so I disabled that an just got a different error, leading me down a rabbit hole that ultimately ended with MI.
Weird that the error shows up like that, but it is likely because the latest version of MI contains changes I have submitted but EI has not been updated to follow these changes. I am waiting on some other changes to get merged before updating. Not an issue on MI's end. I recommend downgrading temporarily until there's a better stopping point for EI to update to.
Alright, sounds good. I was told you'd likely also need the latest log so I'm adding it here in case:
Sounds like you have it under control already though. Thanks!
Take two on the logs:
Could you test to make sure it's being caused by EI and Tesseract API? The errors are a bit unusual.
loads fine like that. here's the log in case you need it: