Modern Industrialization

Modern Industrialization


Allow different transfer rates for cables of the same tier

James103 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Currently, all EU cables of a given tier can transfer the same amount of EU per tick (based on the cable tier's voltage), even if they are made of different materials. As far as I know, there is no way to change this with KubeJS.

I would like to be able to specify a custom value for the maximum EU/t a network of a given cable material can transfer, independent of its voltage.

For example, I would like to reduce HV voltage from 1,024 to 512 EU/t, but leave the Aluminum cable transfer rate at 8,192 EU/t.

Alternatively, I would like to reduce the max transfer rate for Tin cables to 128 EU/t, but keep Copper and Silver cables at 256 EU/t.

A workaround is to create multiple different "voltages" for the different cables in the same voltage group; however, that adds potentially redundant casings, transformers, and storage units which will later need to be removed or adjusted.

For example, the following should be able to create an EV-tier cable which transfers as much as a Superconductor cable:

MIMaterialEvents.modifyMaterial("diamond", event => {
        .cable("ev", 1024000000)

And the following should be able to create a cable which, even though it can transfer a high voltage (HV), is extremely current-limited to a maximum power slightly less than the weakest of LV cables:

MIMaterialEvents.modifyMaterial("sodium", event => {
        .cable("hv", 88)

Can be done but I don't really see the point. ๐Ÿ˜