


Modernfix not compatible with Undergarden (dedicated server, 1.20.1, forge version 47.3.7)

muppetenergy opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Bug Description

I added Undergarden to my server, but we are unable to use it because the server crashes every time we try to enter a portal.
Here is what shows on the player's side. No crash reports are generated on client side, only server.

Here's the screenshot I could snag quickly as text was flying, but i'll post the logs too

Reproduction Steps

(all mods are up to date)
-added Undergarden to dedicated server (and Undergarden Delight)
-created a portal with stone bricks and catalyst, in creative mode
-walk/jump into portal
-server crashes

Log File



From line 213 of your crash report:

"Worker-Main-2" daemon prio=4 Id=55 RUNNABLE
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgeBlockState.getLightEmission(
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/$Properties.m_284110_(
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/$Properties$$Lambda$1434/0x00007f768063dd00.m_61030_(Unknown Source)
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/$BlockStateBase.m_60643_(
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgeBlock.isValidSpawn(
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgeBlockState.isValidSpawn(
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/
	at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/$Type.canSpawnAt(

This indicates the server is likely in the middle of generating chunks (triggered by UG trying to place a portal), and was not able to finish within 60 seconds, causing the watchdog to crash it. Setting max-tick-time=-1 in is recommended if you have mods installed that slow down worldgen a lot. The crash report is just blaming ModernFix because it optimizes one of the functions in use; I don't think this is a ModernFix bug.

You may also want to add the Fullstack Watchdog mod so that the Worker-Main stacktraces will show you the full context instead of just the first few lines, that may help narrow down which mod is slowing down worldgen. My guess is it will be Undergarden if you are entering the dimension, but it could be a conflict with something else.


oh shoot i didn't see the notification that you'd responded. thank you for the info! i'll check out that mod too