


Issue With Text Shadow On ModernFix 1.21.4

LobbyLC opened this issue · 3 comments


Bug Description

This isn't really a "bug", but I wanted to create an issue to ask about it anyway.

As of the latest ModernFix version (specifically the 1.21.4 version, this doesn't apply to the 1.21.1 version), there appears to be a hidden change that causes text shadow to no longer render on the HUD. On some multiplayer servers with custom HUD elements, such as MCC Island in my case, this is incredibly obvious, and makes many elements of the HUD look far worse.

Example without ModernFix 5.20.1+mc1.21.4:
Example without ModernFix

Example with ModernFix 5.20.1+mc1.21.4:
Example with ModernFix

I'm sure this is likely a part of an important optimization, and probably can't just be undone, but is there any chance you could add an option to disable said optimization, alike how you can disable others? Even with every config option disabled, this is still the case, and it'd be awesome to have the option to re-enable text shadow, even if it's at the cost of performance.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Install ModernFix 5.20.1+mc1.21.4
  2. Connect to MCC Island (or presumably any server with custom HUD elements)
    2a. If MCC Island, the issue applies to the action bar and bossbar. You can make the bossbar appear by queueing for a game

Log File

N/A (I don't think this applies here as I'm not reporting a bug or a crash, but if a log may still be relevant, let me know 🫡)


On my system, the shadow is also missing without ModernFix installed. (I have F3 enabled to show that ModernFix is not present.)

2025-01-14_12 22 38


Oh my god, I tried it with only ModernFix installed, but I hadn't considered it could be a vanilla thing. You're so right, that's awkward.

That's my bad, I apologise for the confusion. 😅


No worries, it happens.