Ex Nihilo Removing sieve recipes does nothing
Timeslice42 opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Removing a sieve recipe from dirt, such as the following, does not actually do anything; the recipe is not removed, and there is no error.
edit Gravel doesn't work either, however adding recipes seems to work fine.
you tried typing mods.exnihilo.Sieve.removeRecipe to remove it? as i have used it to remove a few from sieving dirt
It's a known issue. Seems like it's an issue on @Erasmus-Crowley's side.
Dangit, I was afraid of that. I'll try reporting it to Insaneau. http://bit.ly/1Ivivkd
This has been fixed in the code and should be fixed in the next version of modtweaker!
I can't reopen, but the wiki needs to be updated as the signature has changed and I no longer know how to call the methods.
It would also be nice if you exposed unregisterRewardFromAllBlocks and unregisterAllRewardsFromBlock, possibly as removeFromAll(outputstack) and removeAllFrom(inputstack).
I've addressed this in Ex Nihilo, however, some changes will be needed in ModTweaker to ensure this works.
See https://bitbucket.org/MikeLydeamore/ex-nihilo/commits/f2adf22f1cba71620462f7b7231a843e0a4c19ef for explicit details.
I have added brand new unregister recipes for most cases. If I've missed some let me know.