


Bug Report (Thaumcraft Research)

MagisterXero opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm submitting this report from memory, so bear with me on it.
I'm pretty certain that, even though this script will compile correctly, it throws a client side error when trying to open the tab where the research is at.

The addResearch method is correctly being populated (with an IItemStack, as it is expecting) but for some reason the client crashes when trying to render that item in the research icon.

I'll see if I can grab a clientside crash report after, but I just wanted to highlight this one as a possible bug.

var myItem = <TabuleRasa:RasaItem0> as IItemStack;

// Unlocking Thaumellurgy
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("THISISAKEY", "THISISATAB", "praecantatio 15, metallum 15, ordo 15", 0, 0, 5, myItem);
game.setLocalization("en_US", "tc.research_name.THISISAKEY", "Custom Research");
game.setLocalization("en_US", "tc.research_text.THISISAKEY", "Custom Description!");
game.setLocalization("en_US", "custom.research_page.THISISAKEY", "Custom Page.");
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("THISISAKEY", "custom.research_page.THISISAKEY");
mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("THISISAKEY", "THISISAKEY", false);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.setSpikey("THISISAKEY", true);
mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("THISISAKEY", true);