


Thaumcraft 6 Infusion doesnt work

Boshouko opened this issue · 4 comments


What happens / Issue Description::

hey :D I have a small problem and although I have recently seen that there is a small integration for thaumcraft 6. I tried a bit and found out there was something wrong. The recipe itself is displayed to me in the jei. However, nothing happens ._. . also gives me no error message

What you expected to happen:

It works^^

Script used (Please Pastebin or gist your script, posting an unpasted or ungist'd script will automatically close this issue):

Minetweaker.log file (Please Pastebin or gist your file, posting an unpasted or ungist'd file will automatically close this issue):

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: 2712
  • Crafttweaker: 4.1.8
  • ModTweaker: 4.0.12
  • MTLib: 3.0.5

Make sure that the thaumcraft research labelled "RESEARCH" exists and that you have that research unlocked when trying to do the recipe!


can i leave that out? or does something have to be in there? I do not think there is research on this version. had used it only once in the infinity script.


If the recipe is being picked up, then it should work, as JEI is reading from thaumcraft's registry.

Probably on thaumcrafts side