Modular Power Armor

Modular Power Armor


1.15.2 Progress and Known issues

lehjr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Rendering still has some issues. The high poly armor does a performance hit. I will try to reduce this as much as possible, but there will always be a performance penalty for being able to customize anything. The tinker table has some glitchiness in the stat displays. I haven't had a chance to dig into it yet.

Recipes: currently unfinished. Waiting for modules to be finalized before finishing recipes as some modules may not make it to the final cut.

Some modules are finished, others are still a work in progress. Those marked as untested may or may not be functioning properly or at all.

Armor Modules:

  • leather plating: done but needed?
  • iron plating: done
  • diamond plating: done
  • energy shield: needs work to actually drain power when blocking damage

Cosmetic Module:

  • transparent armor: untested

Energy Storage modules:

  • basic battery: done
  • advanced battery: done
  • elite battery: done
  • ultimate battery: done

Energy generation modules:

  • solar generator: untested
  • advanced solar generator: untested
  • kinetic generator: untested
  • thermal generator: work in progress

Environmental modules:

  • cooling system: work in progress
  • fluid tank: needs work. (need to remove fluid capability from armor if tank removed)
  • auto feeder: untested
  • mob repulsor: untested
  • water electrolyzer: done

Movement modules:

  • blink drive: done
  • climb assist: done
  • dimensional rift generator: done (fixed in alpha 3)
  • flight control: untested
  • glider: done (fixed in alpha 3)
  • jet boots: untested
  • jetpack: untested
  • jump assist: untested
  • parachute: untested
  • shock absorbers: untested
  • sprint assist: untested
  • swim assist: untested

Special Modules:

  • clock: done
  • compass: done
  • invisibility: untested
  • magnet: untested

Vision modules:

  • binoculars: untested
  • night vision: done

Mining Enhancement modules:

  • AOE module: done. However, gui controls could be better
  • silk touch: not working
  • fortune: not working
  • vein miner: done. No longer relies on external mods

Tool Modules:

  • aqua affinity: ? untested
  • axe module: done
  • diamond drill upgrade: done
  • field tinker: done
  • flint and steel: done
  • rototiller: done
  • leaf blower: mostly done but needs sound effect
  • lux capacitor: mostly done. Might need a few more tweaks in placement code but is overall better than ever before
  • portable crafting table: done?
  • pickaxe module: done
  • shears: done? (untested)
  • shovel: done

Weapon Modules:

  • Blade launcher: done
  • lightning summoner: done
  • melee assist: done
  • railgun: work in progress. The projectile requires it's own entity now and that entity requires a model.
  • plasma cannon: rendering is totally broken due to changes in the Minecraft rendering system. This was previously drawn with pure opengl calls which is no longer possible.

railgun: work in progress. The projectile requires it's own entity now and that entity requires a model.

I wouldn't spend to much effort on the projectile. Just make a tiny black cube, bam.

Does this mean the railgun will use ammo now? If so, will the ammo be stored in the fist or the player inv? Might I suggest 81 bullets per iron ingot? (1 ingot -> 9 nuggets -> 9*9 bullets)


The railgun will work as before, but the ray tracing code without an entity is unnecessarily complicated. It will be quicker to just do it with an entity. The bigger issue is going to be the plasma cannon, since that was ALL opengl.


I'm thinking of dropping the leather plating. The only way to make it worth while for the player to craft is to make it stupidly cheap.