Modular Powersuits

Modular Powersuits


Problem with cooling in FTB Revelation

lauma opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi! I am using Modular Powersuits in FTB Revelation modpack and I am struggling with overheating, and after all the Googling I'm still not sure, if it is a bug or I am doing things plain wrong.

Internet suggests heat sinks and cooling systems.

  • Heat sink recipe is not available in tinker table for none of the porwersuit parts (I have all five - armor and tool) - does that mean it is obsolete? I checked, server runs verson 1.12.2-1.0.46
  • If I install cooling system, I can stand in water how long I want, even in ocean, armor keeps sucking in the water, but cooling liquid bar never fills. If I install advanced cooling system, the same happens with non-water liquids, which is particularly confusing, if I fall in some exotic liquid I was trying to collect, as it gets destroyed. Do I need some kind of tank? I checked tinker table, didn't see any tanks for any part.

Server I'm playing on, is not mine, thus, I don't see config files, and it has also one or two mods outside the FTB Revelations, but if I had precise idea, I could suggest improvements or reconfigurations.

Huge thanks for any advice.


Turn down your overclocking?


1.12.2 hasn't been supported in quite awhile due to the development environment being broken.


Overclocking didn't help, I made the simplest possible armor (only chestplate with just battery and cooling), and problem is still the same. Ok, if it is obsolete then probably nothing can be done I guess. Thanks.


don't use the regular cooling module. It doesn't work properly. Only install advanced cooling system and remember to adjust the cooling power. Heatsinks are no longer a thing.