Modular Powersuits

Modular Powersuits


Texture missing on the Power Fist

SheReyy opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Version info
Java version: 1.8.0_51
Minecraft Forge version: 36.2.21
MPS version: ModularPowersuits-1.16.5-2.2.24.jar (older versions don't work either)
Numina Version: Numina-1.16.5-2.2.24.jar (older versions don't work either)

Describe the bug
The Power Fist has no texture.

Mod list

Log files


Other Details
No Optifine was used or anything.


Same here. My friend, on the same server, had no issue with either of our Power Fists, and saw the normal texture on the model, but mine were missing for both of us.


Before filing a bug report, please insure that you have narrowed down the list of mods to the smallest list possible to replicate the issue. There's no way I can sift through that list and find the issue myself while trying to fix other issues or continue further development.

According to your logs, the missing texture is probably the least concerning issue. At least a couple mods aren't registering their stuff properly (Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix), hundreds upon hundreds of " Exception loading blockstate definition: " which is probably at least one mod causing an asset loading issue, or you have some missing assets.