Modular Powersuits

Modular Powersuits


Lux Capacitors, Spinning Blade, Plasma Ball, and Rail Gun Bolt fired directly above the player causes server and client crash. ("Not A Number" error generated for X and Z position during spawn)

Harem-Rose opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Version info
Java version:
Minecraft Forge version: 1.16.5 - 36.2.34

Describe the bug
Firing a lux capacitor at the ceiling while looking directly above the player causes the game to crash. The Lux Capacitor flying graphic does not come out of the power fist to even try to make it to the ceiling. This does not occur if firing the capacitor at a wall when standing directly adjacent to it.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a power fist, lux capacitor, and capacitor (Basic was used for crash, and test)
  2. Wield a powerfist with a lux capacitor
  3. A (No Crash): Fire a lux Capacitor at distance (other than listed in 3B) towards anywhere
    B (No Crash): Fire a lux Capacitor at the player's feet
    C (No Crash): Fire a lux Capacitor at a ceiling at an angle other than 90 degrees
    Evidence shown in 3A
    D (Crash): Fire directly above the player at any distance

Expected behavior
Lux capacitor should attach to ceiling and game should not crash.

Mod list
Including versions, provided by crash report if game crashed:
Bug was first experienced on a server with many mods, however a secondary server with a brand newly generated world was created with just the following where the bug and crashes were experienced.


Smallest sub-list that still produces issue, if any exclusion testing was done. I will not be doing this myself. Do not expect me to do this for you. I simply do not have that kind of time to do this on every bug report. Also be sure to include version numbers. I'm not going to guess:

Other than Forge Mod Loader, Only the above mods were tested.

Log files
(Link to pastebin, gist, or other hosting site preferred, file attachment okay.)
Game log (make sure it's the log that was generated during the gameplay the issue occurred in):

Crash report (if issue caused game to crash): Client Hangs when experiencing bug. There is no crash report for the client
Server log (if issue occurred on a server, make sure it's the log generated during the gameplay the issue occurred in):

Server crash report (if issue caused server to crash):

Screenshots included at relevant steps.

I appreciate your attention to this matter.


This is a very strange issue. The code for calculating the spawn point hasn't changed at all that I can find in the history going back almost 8 years. However, I don't think it was ever really right to begin with, so I'm just going to simplify it so it won't break again later.


Expanded the issue to encompass other modules that use nearly the same code.