Modular Machinery: Community Edition

Modular Machinery: Community Edition


A specific multiblock recipe is not working (doesn't show up in JEI or let me craft it), but works when I add or remove items from the recipe.

milesnyan34 opened this issue · 6 comments


I am developing a modpack that uses MMCE. I am trying to add a custom recipe to one of my multiblocks using ZenScript. It contains 5 items and 2 fluids. The log says that 150 recipes were loaded successfully, but only 149 of them actually show up in JEI, with this one not showing up.

The recipe looks like this, but without the 6th item. When it has 6 items, it works, but when it has 5 items, it does not.


I am not sure why specifically 5 items + 2 fluids causes an issue, especially when other recipes I added did not have this issue.

The ZenScript for this original recipe is this:

mods.modularmachinery.RecipeBuilder.newBuilder(m + "advparallelizationcore", m, 2400)
    .addItemInput(<contenttweaker:parallelization_core> * 4)
    .addItemInput(<ore:plateCosmicNeutronium> * 16)
    .addItemInput(<extendedcrafting:material:13> * 2)
    .addFluidInput(<liquid:ultimate> * 9216)
    .addFluidInput(<liquid:stabilized_quantum_fluid> * 8000)

can provide a full log and script?


Is the machinery capable of running this recipe? Even if we can't see it at JEI.


I wasn't able to get the machine to run the recipe.


🤔ok, that looks strange, can you provide a copy of the modpack for testing?