Modular Machinery: Community Edition

Modular Machinery: Community Edition


自动组装无效 Auto Assembly is not worked

niunai345 opened this issue · 1 comments


我手持着配置过的自动组装工具(标# Set the Item auto-assembly. [default: minecraft:stick]的那一栏之下)对着有蓝图(蓝图对应的机器有配方)的机械控制器右键(顺带一提,我启用了only-one-machine-controller),但是就像是右键一个无法交互的方块一样没有发生任何事。
我使用的mod:configAnyTime ; mixinbooter ; AdvancedSolarPanels ; Quark ; AlChemistry ; AgriCraft ; Avaritia ; AvaritiaItem ; AoA3 ; BetterNether ; Baubles ; BiBlioCraft ; BookShelf ; BetterSplitStack ; Biometweaker ; CoT ; CrT ; CodeChickenLib ; CoffeeWork ; CraftTweakerUtils ; Chisel ; customstuff4 ; CustomNPCs ; Draconic Evolution ; EnderTweaker ; Ender IO ; Endergy ; Extended Crafting ; Extreme Reactors ; End Reborn ; EnergyConvertors ; MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod ; Forestry ; foamfix ; ftbquests ; futureMC ; GameStages ; HungerTweaker ; inworldcrafting ; ic2-tweaker ; ic2 ; ItemStages ; JEI; JECharacters ; LoottableTweaker ; MoT ; Sakura ; MoreElectricTools ; MoreTcon ; MorePlates ; MoreTweaker ; MMCE ; NuclearCraft ; Ore Stages ; OreTweaker ; OnlinePicFrame ; Patchouli ; Pam's HarvestCraft ; PizzaCraft ; Prefab ; RedStoneFlux ; RandomTweaker ; Recipe Stages ; RoughlyEnoughIDs ; Researchtable ; StorageDrawers ; StellarCore ; TConstrust ; ThaumicTweaker ; ThaumCraft ; Universal Tweaks ; ZenUtils。
一些前置的lib模组我没有写进去,我使用的是Catserver 1.12.2。
我在curseforge上发现在2.0.3版本“Make Auto Assembly Trigger Forge Event (#121).“,这可能就是问题所在。

I used Version 1.11.1-r47 before, and that's when the auto-assembly worked well.
When I update MMCE to Version 2.1.4, I found that the auto-assembly is not worked.
I tried to delete the cfg of 1.11.1-r47, and use the newer cfg of 2.1.4, but it still don't work.
When I right-click the Machine Controller with the tool of auto-assembly which I was configed, it just like right-click a block which is unable to interact when I set only-one-machine-controller to true.
By the way, there's a blueprint in the Machine Controller, which has a enabled recipe.
When I use items except the tool of auto-assembly right-click the Machine Controller, it will open the Machine GUI.
Nether logs or Errors on Console, and I use mixinbooter Version 10.4.
mods added: configAnyTime ; mixinbooter ; AdvancedSolarPanels ; Quark ; AlChemistry ; AgriCraft ; Avaritia ; AvaritiaItem ; AoA3 ; BetterNether ; Baubles ; BiBlioCraft ; BookShelf ; BetterSplitStack ; Biometweaker ; CoT ; CrT ; CodeChickenLib ; CoffeeWork ; CraftTweakerUtils ; Chisel ; customstuff4 ; CustomNPCs ; Draconic Evolution ; EnderTweaker ; Ender IO ; Endergy ; Extended Crafting ; Extreme Reactors ; End Reborn ; EnergyConvertors ; MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod ; Forestry ; foamfix ; ftbquests ; futureMC ; GameStages ; HungerTweaker ; inworldcrafting ; ic2-tweaker ; ic2 ; ItemStages ; JEI; JECharacters ; LoottableTweaker ; MoT ; Sakura ; MoreElectricTools ; MoreTcon ; MorePlates ; MoreTweaker ; MMCE ; NuclearCraft ; Ore Stages ; OreTweaker ; OnlinePicFrame ; Patchouli ; Pam's HarvestCraft ; PizzaCraft ; Prefab ; RedStoneFlux ; RandomTweaker ; Recipe Stages ; RoughlyEnoughIDs ; Researchtable ; StorageDrawers ; StellarCore ; TConstrust ; ThaumicTweaker ; ThaumCraft ; Universal Tweaks ; ZenUtils.
I use Catserver 1.12.2.
I found that MMCE in Version 2.0.3 changelog "Make Auto Assembly Trigger Forge Event (#121)." on curseforge, it may be the problem.
Please fix it!Thanks!


刚才又试了一下,2.0.0-pre7也不可以,但是2.0.0-pre2又可以了,可能是2.0.0-pre5的"Fix machine assembly not working if world time frozen."问题或2.0.0-pre3的"Allows automatic assembly of machines containing dynamic patterns."。