[Suggestion] Add fixed times to consume item
RenanVieira88 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
A exemple:
"type": "item",
"io-type": "input",
"item": "contenttweaker:random_item",
"amount": 1,
"TimesRecipeMustBeExecutedToConsume": 1600
In this exemple, the Recipe must be executed (with results) 1600 to get consume the input Item
That's a great news
My workaroud for now is:
{ "machine": "fission", "registryName": "uranium", "recipeTime": 4, "requirements": [ { "type": "item", "io-type": "input", "item": "contenttweaker:cell_uranium", "chance": 0.0001 }, { "type": "fluid", "io-type": "input", "fluid": "coolant", "amount": 400 }, { "type": "fluid", "io-type": "output", "fluid": "hot_coolant", "amount": 400 }, { "type": "item", "io-type": "output", "item": "contenttweaker:cell_uranium_depleded", "chance": 0.0001 } ] }
So the main idea is:
Uranium rod has consumed > after 4 ticks the machine spells 400mb of hot coolant and consume 400mb of coolant
It would be nice to put the uranium to be consumed at the beginning of the recipe, during the determined time (in this case 1600 ticks) it would continue consuming the 400mb of coolant every 4 ticks but not the uranium, and at the end of the 1600 ticks it would give an item like depleted uranium
Not sure if I
If you use ZenScript to write recipes, you can use addFluidPerTickInput(<liquid:xxx>)
to make each Tick consume fluid.
Also support addFluidPerTickOutput(<liquid:xxx>)
Hi, I've try this:
val uranim = mods.modularmachinery.RecipeBuilder.newBuilder("uranim", "fision", 200, 0);
Also add *400 to fluids, but does't work, I did something wrong?