Modular Machinery: Community Edition

Modular Machinery: Community Edition


Example of using RecipeModifierBuilder

iLamirry opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi, can you please write an example script using RecipeModifierBuilder.
I am trying to multiply an entire recipe by a number from Smart Interface. I was able to get the interface value, but how to use RecipeModifierBuilder I can't figure out for a few days now.


Somehow I came up with this code, but I don't know what the "key" in addModifier(key, RecipeModifier) means

MMEvents.onSmartInterfaceUpdate("water_pump", function(event as SmartInterfaceUpdateEvent) {
    val ctrl = event.controller;
    val data = ctrl.customData;
    val map = data.asMap();
    map["FluidMultiply"] = event.newData.value; //receive value in event
    val FluidMultiply = map["FluidMultiply"];

    ctrl.addModifier("key", RecipeModifierBuilder.create("modularmachinery:energy", "input", 10, 1, false).build()));

    ctrl.customData = data;

Now this script doesn't give errors, but it doesn't change the amount of energy either.


Ok, I realized what the problem was and moved the RecipeModifierBuilder to onMachinePreTick event.
But I encountered a new problem: the inability to change item input.

ctrl.addModifier("ItemInputModifier", RecipeModifierBuilder.create("modularmachinery:item", "input", 2, 1, false).build());
ctrl.addModifier("ItemOutputModifier", RecipeModifierBuilder.create("modularmachinery:item", "output", 2, 1, false).build());
ctrl.addModifier("EnergyInputModifier", RecipeModifierBuilder.create("modularmachinery:energy", "input", 2, 1, false).build()); 

Output resources are multiplied, input energy is also multiplied, but input resources persistently ignore RecipeModifierBuilder, and there are no errors in the log.


Okay, this seems to work fine in RecipeCheckEvent.