Modular Machinery: Community Edition

Modular Machinery: Community Edition


[suggestion] Add a config option to stop the recipe if there isn't enough RF/t immediately

MasterBuilder747 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


The original version of the mod did this. It would stop the recipe if there wasn't enough energy. Now, you can input any amount of Rf/t into a machine and as long as it is some energy, it will slowly progress. I don't want that for my pack. Recipes are gated behind energy generation per tick. If there is a way to bring back the old system of checking the power instead of scaling like before, that would be great.

ex: If a recipe has a 4 RF/t requirement and you supply 2 RF/t into the buffer (2 RF is in the buffer at any given time when the recipe is running), the recipe should not work. Maybe there is a way to check the RF/t that is inputted into the hatch instead of the RF in the buffer. Use the method that was used before in the original mod.


You can add an option to the machine's JSON configuration file:

    "registryname": ...,

    // add
    "failure-action": "reset"

    "parts": [

There are three actions in MMCE (still is default): reset is the original MM action, still is to maintain progress, and decrease is to reverse progress.


I tried using that config option, but it seems to keep the progress when i set it to reset in the config. I already opened an issue about that: #93


in my testing, when i don't supply enough power, the progress does not reset for energy. (this is an energy input only recipe). and i have set default-failure-actions to reset in the config.
2024-05-25_11 02 39


This is more related to this issue specifically. I am feeding power into this machine at 16,000 RF/t for a recipe that needs 25,000 RT/f, and it still works, it just slowly progresses the recipe, but sometimes it says not enough energy, but the progress keeps going. Maybe if the energy progress issue gets resolved, this does too.
2024-05-25_11 01 30


thanks for the quick update. it works in my testing