Mo' Guns

Mo' Guns


Guns glitched

InfinitySnake21 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


The guns have no sound and they require no reloading please help.


Can you give us more information on what you were doing?


Having the same problem here. Have the mod installed on a server, and there is no audio firing, or reloading. Guns will reload with ammo, but the ammo amount will not go down, giving guns infinite ammo. This problem also extends to guns from other addons, and even the base mod, but they don't exist when the mod isn't installed.


Are you guys using the latest version? There is a singleplayer and multiplayer version, make sure you're running the right one.


Was running the 1.5 server version. Had problems when it was on the server, but in singleplayer, it didn't have any problems.


Can you provide some logs?


Console popped up more specific stuff for the mod like:

26.02 05:49:16 [Server] main/WARN []: Registry Item: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: moguns:scarl Expected: 2268 Got: 2308

26.02 05:49:16 [Server] main/WARN []: Registry SoundEvent: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: moguns:item.thompson_fire Expected: 1057 Got: 1060


for reference the problematic code was
in the Recoil Shooting Event
@SubscribeEvent public static void recoil(GunFireEvent.Post event) {

I fixed it with

@SubscribeEvent public static void recoil(Post event) { if(event.isClient()) {


I have the fix in my repo.
I decompiled the original server jar to get the updated code and removed some client code to get the ammo working.


for reference the problematic code was in the Recoil Shooting Event @SubscribeEvent public static void recoil(GunFireEvent.Post event) {

I fixed it with

@SubscribeEvent public static void recoil(Post event) { if(event.isClient()) {

Hmm, weird, I already have that code in my code from 1.4. I've been quite busy but a fix should be coming relatively soon.