Monster Hunter Frontier Craft

Monster Hunter Frontier Craft


Completion for current functional mobs

PCAwesomeness opened this issue ยท 0 comments



  • Should charge up to a player
  • Should not take fall damage
  • Should NOT leap when stunned
  • Needs to turn around
  • Needs to jump correctly
  • Needs a death animation
  • Needs its last 3 attacks (clawswipe, leap back, and 720-degree spin)
  • Should have its bite noise pushed back so it fits the animation
  • Needs its rockthrow noise pushed forward so it fits the animation
  • Should have noises added for tail whip, rock throw, leap, and death


  • Should wander around when idle (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Should have an animation for looking around (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Needs to stop running at a player when 10 or 15 blocks away (and should use a charging bite attack during close combat)
  • Needs to roar at first sight (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Needs to stop roaring copiously
  • Should have its rush-to-target AI re-implemented
  • Needs its bite animations fixed up
  • Needs to wander faster to appear more fluid
  • Needs to wander less spasmodically
  • Should destroy any natural blocks in the way
  • Should not take fall damage
  • Should do damage with its stomp
  • Dragon breath should be more accurate
  • Should NOT leap when stunned
  • Needs to turn around
  • Needs to jump correctly
  • Should not only use dragon breath
  • Needs a new death animation where it takes longer to fall down and doesn't get up afterwards
  • Needs its last attack (dragon breath)
  • Should play its tailwhip noise ONLY ONCE when using the attack
  • Should have its bite and rock throw noises pushed back so they fit the animation
  • Should have noises added for leap, tailwhip, and death


  • Should wander around when idle (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Should have an animation for looking around (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Should charge up to a player
  • Should be able to step up 1 block
  • Should not take fall damage
  • Needs to roar at first sight (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Should only roar during combat
  • Needs to turn around
  • Needs to jump back correctly.
  • Should move its hindlegs as well when charging
  • Should NOT do its jump attacks when stunned
  • Needs a death animation
  • Needs its last attack (spike attack)
  • Needs drops
  • Should have noises added for charge, prowler stance, and wingslash


  • Should have an animation for looking around (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Needs to roar at first sight (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Roar needs to impede movement
  • Needs to turn around
  • Needs its last few attacks (charge, lightning ball, and electric discharge)
  • Hitbox needs to be accessible to melee users
  • Should have its bite noise pushed back so it fits the animation
  • Needs drops


  • Should have an animation for looking around (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Needs to roar at first sight (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Needs a better charge
  • Needs to turn around
  • Needs drops

Great Jaggi:

  • Should have an animation for looking around (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Needs to roar at first sight (similarly to Tigrex)
  • Should have its rush-to-target AI re-implemented
  • Needs to turn around
  • Needs its last attack (call for minions)
  • Needs drops