More Avaritia

More Avaritia


[suggestion] WIzardry support

Collecter128 opened this issue · 4 comments


So there are two wizardry mods, and though support for both would be cool, the one I am mentioning is the one with halos and mana pearls. I may be mistaken, maybe I am misremembering something but I think there was a picture somewhere out there with a recipe for the creative halo. I think a recipe for that would be good since the other either disappeared or never existed.


I can't effectively add recipes for items in mods that I don't know well. Please let me know which creative item(s) you would like recipes for, and what items in that mod are "endgame" for that particular mod.

All recipes should have Avaritia components, as well as the highest tier/endgame items from the mod itself the creative item is from, to ensure you also are required to progress through the entire mod before being able to make the item.


There are two creative items in the mod that could have Avaritia recipes. The creative mana Battery and the creative halo. Normal halos already take dragons breath and wither stars to make them so they are pretty late game, but I’m not sure what other things would be needed for the recipe. There is a rundown on how the mod works here:


Not specifically. The hardest things to get are apex pearls but I don’t know if they are different from other pearls code wise. The halos are probably the hardest thing far to get in The mod