More Avaritia

More Avaritia


little fruitful idea

higakoryu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


can you add a creative thaumcraft jar which has infinite essentia?And also a bow that does infinite damage like the sword of the cosmos please? And what about a faster neutron collector?Also what about recipes for the creative flux pack and jetpack(a jetplate would also be nice) from simply jetpack?Please make mob killed by the creative spike drop items


Take a look at what is planned for 1.13//1.14 on the avaritia Discord as quite a few of these suggestions are all ready planned

If the cosmic bow dosent 1 shot mobs, then i will have to look into that as i agree that it should kill instantly the same way the sword does.


All of these are either added, will be added, or can't/won't be added (Such as changing creative spikes, which come from a completely different mod.)
Seems like Morpheus plans on adding something related to Thaumcraft as well.

So closing this suggestion.