More Banner Features

More Banner Features


Mod Menu Settings Game Crash 1.20.2

nco2k opened this issue ยท 1 comments


opening up mod menu and clicking on the settings button of this mod makes the game crash with following error:

  • The game crashed whilst rendering screen
  • Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void de.kxmischesdomi.morebannerfeatures.renderer.screen.MBFOptionsScreen.method_25420(net.minecraft.class_332)'
  • Exit Code: -1073740791

im using the latest files:

  • fabric-api-0.90.7+1.20.2.jar
  • modmenu-8.0.0.jar
  • morebannerfeatures-1.2.0-1.20.jar

Yes I also noticed this issue with my other mods that use the same settings screen. Gonna look into it soon.