More Bees

More Bees


Yellorium bees

BrainStone opened this issue ยท 8 comments


It would be quite nice to have bees for yellorium from Extreme Reactors. Nothing big. Just another bee.


Isn't yellorium ore dictionared with uranium? that was the case with big reactors.


I'll have a look at it. I did not think of that tbh


I checked this out and yellorium ore is not oredicted to oreUranium. It uses oreYellorite and oreYellorium. A yellorium bee is a good candidate going right along side the new resonating bee.


I couldn't get yellorium bees to work since it seems extreme reactors does its oredic in post initialization which is really weird


What exactly do you need the oredic for?
For recipes? As far as I know if you use a oredict recipe it will work straight away regardless of when the oredic gets registered.


The oredict is the way to get the actual item stack of the material to be produced without having to actually have More Bee depend on the other mod or its api being available when More Bees is built. The ore dictionary is the way to let forge handle all the cross mod compatibility issues.


I traced through the code and Extreme Reactor does the oredict registration during the init phase. You just need to force More Bees to load after Extreme Reactor ("bigreactors").


I did a quick test with the mod loaded as I don't normally use Extreme Reactors in my current survival world. Adding "after:bigreactors" to the mod dependencies and re-enabling the check in, does get the yellorite bee to generate and correctly get generated from mutations.