More Chests Variants (MCV)

More Chests Variants (MCV)


vanilla wood items not minable with axe

VinceKezel opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When this mod is installed, some wood items do not mine faster with an axe. For example, the crafting table or spruce log when being mined with a diamond axe it goes as slow as the same speed as being mined with an empty hand.

In my troubleshooting, If I delete the following file from the MCV jar file then the axe works as intended, but then of course MCV chests dont go faster when mined with an axe:

Minecraft 1.20.1
Fabric 0.14.22
MCV 1.2.1 Aug 26 2023


It works fine for me, if it keeps persisting, please open a new issue


I'm sorry for not seeing this, has It been fixed?


this issue is still present


I am sorry but I am not experiencing any issues, what version are you using now?