Topaz ore doesn't work in the nether when combined with Biomes o' plenty
omscrafter opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Describe the bug
I made a modpack combining the More ores in ONE mod with the Biomes o' plenty mod, but when i went to the nether to get topaz it wasn't there. To confirm it just wasn't me looking properly i went into creative, made a new world, went to the nether, and removed all netherrack, lava, quartz and magmablocks, but there still wasn't any topaz ore. I did however find topaz when generating a world normally.
Forge version: 31.1.35 for Minecraft 1.15.2
MoreOresinOne version: 1.1 for Minecraft 1.15.2
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Make a modpack combining More ores in ONE with Biomes o' plenty
- Generate new world using Biomes o' plenty template
- Go to the nether
- Find no topaz, because there isn't any
Expected behavior
I expected to find topaz ore
It wouldn't make any sense to add screenshots...
Additional context
I did also have other mods on, but they had nothing to do with it, since it did work when generating the world normally.
I'm not quite sure, but probably, although it could also be I downloaded it from 9minecraft: http://www.9minecraft.net/biomes-o-plenty-mod/.
Also i've noticed it generates topaz in the standard minecraft nether biome, but those are rare in a biomes o' plenty world.
Going to try to let it also generate in biomes o' plenty biomes. As you said that it still generates but only in standard minecraft biomes.
I find it that the standard minecraft nether biome mainly generates around nether fortresses.
It might just be biomes o' plenty who's forcing their own spawning behavior of ores...