Unique Directory id not iterating
zedlander1000 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Mod Version:
1.2.0 - beta - 2
Crash log (if applicable):
Issue Details:
Creating directories of the same name x amount of times adds x amount of instances
of <directory_name>#0 to the mopm save data file. The #0 fails to increment, causing
the visual display to not show x amount of <directory_name>.
If you created the directory "test" 3 times, the mopm data file will contian:
base#0: test#0: test#0: test#0:
Appropriate behavior would be for the mopm data file to contain:
base#0: test#0: test#1: test#2:
Images (optional):
Being moved to fix in testing. This bug was potentially fixed and will be further investigated.