


Building Morph from Source

Unknown025 opened this issue · 3 comments


Hey there,

I've been attempting to compile your mod from source, but have been running into issues, which I'm hoping you could shed some light on. I've compiled IChunUtil 10.5.2 (even though the latest branch requires 10.5.1 in the build.gradle, but won't load without 10.5.2 in the mods.toml). I also copied the accesstransformer config from IChunUtil into src/api/resources/META-INF. However, I'm encountering linker errors such as this one. Anything I'm missing?



Apparently replying to the email no longer posts a comment? Replied a few days ago via email and I don't see a comment here. Hmm.


"I have never seen that error before. I don't know how much I can really help you, my dev environment set up is a bit peculiar.

I have Forge as its own setup and have iChunUtil and Morph as it's own modules in intellij. I've never tried running morph in dev against a compiled version of iChunUtil either so I don't know how that could affect things.

I don't know if that might help but essentially, do not trust any of my project's build.gradles, they're only there to build the project and not to set up a dev environment for them.

Also worth noting that they were both deved against Forge 36.2.29, I forgot to update the forge version in the build.gradle since well, I only use it to build the project. "
