


AVP mod morphs

shadowfire1217 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


So, I wanted to use the morph mod with the AVP mod, but whenever I kill/morph into a mob from AVP it seems to kick me from the world/server. It doesn't crash Minecraft, it just pushes you out of the world each time. I use Morph 1.7.10 because that is AVP's version. I know this could be simply fixed by disabling the morphing ability for the AVP mobs, but I do not know how to disable them/what they are called.

You see to disable the mobs this was the example you gave:
Example: am2.entities.EntityBattleChicken, biomesoplenty.entities.EntityJungleSpider,

But I do not know how to do that with the AVP mobs, I was just wondering if you could either patch this or tell me how to disable AVP morphs. Thank you very much for your time!

