Sheep sheep sheep
generrosity opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Love your mods iChun!
Watching and helping test FoolCraft3, noticing that killing identical freshly spawned 1.12 sheep gives unique morphs. I shudder to think the overhead it is causing.
The sheep have a cooldown to drop dye (part of another mod) - its possible that this NBT data is being detected as a unique property? I suspect "Dye it yourself" might be doing that too?
It's probably the NBT data that other mods are adding like you said, and Morph for 1.12 already has a system to manage that. Just gotta find out what NBT tag it is and add it to the nbt modifiers for Morph via a pull request.
The file for it is here:
Ah! If you are the author of DyeItYourself, you could easily confirm what NBT tags you use? We suspect you have one for timing, but any others that would differentiate two sheep spawned within seconds of eachother?
From the linked page - "You can also add compatibility for your own mod via the IMC system. Look in the Morph main class for documentation."
I use 2 tags, "nextDye" and "diy_color" (should normalize the name...).
I'll look into the documentation, thanks.
Drop a note here if you find it - I'm starting to look at the code (scary) and put my hand in where I can
Fixed in latest build, will upload to curse now!
Edit: Looks like it didn't do it... will work on that
Alright should be fixed now! Uploaded on CurseForge