Motion Blur (Fabric)

Motion Blur (Fabric)


Didn't work on Intel CPU on an old MacBook Pro

MonotoneDevelopment opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Le title


I may be totally wrong here but after a quick google search I found that OSX (MacOS) does (kind of) support OpenGL 4.1 but NOT GLSL that is needed for this mod.

EDIT: I mean it DOES support GLSL but an old version (And I guess that older version is incompatible).

EDIT 2: I forgot but please check if satin API works properly (by installing other mods that depend on it) because if you cant use satin then this won't work.


have you found a way to make it work yet? i'm also facing the same problem lol


Please make it so it can work on mac


I have no Mac (I don't know about @Noryea), so I can't test if it's an issue with the mod or macOS itself.