Mouse Tweaks

Mouse Tweaks


[Suggestion/Feature Request] "Fix" Auto Crafting/Trading Extra Items When Shift-Clicking

Subroutine7901 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When you add extra resources when crafting or trading, and shift-click the resulting item to put in your inventory, it will make more items while putting them in your inventory. This can be especially painful when you make armor or other non-stackable items. I feel that a change of this feature would be very useful, as similar changes have been added into other mods previously, but they aren't updated very well, or at all.

Take a look at the better written reddit post I found, which describes the issue and a possible fix better than I could.


Oh ok, I didn't see that listed on modrinth. Thanks!


It's not really a separate feature, just the natural extension of wheel scrolling (which moves items between inventories) to crafting output slots.



FWIW in mouse tweaks you can already kind of do this by scrolling once on the crafting output