Opening GUI results in brief freeze when both Forge and Liteloader are installed
hjoyn opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Minecraft Ver. 1.10.2
Mouse Tweaks Ver. 2.8
Opening any gui (pause menu, chat, inventory, crafting table, chest, furnace, modded elements such as psi radial wheel) results in a brief freeze before the gui opens. Requires both Forge and Liteloader to be installed, although it still occurs if the mod is disabled in the liteloader menu.
Hmm does it occur if you remove the mod from the mods folder? Also does it happen every time or just the first time for every given GUI?
What do you mean by remove it from the mods folder? And it occurs every time you open a GUI, including subsequent times.
I mean that you should try removing Mouse Tweaks from the mods folder to check if it really is Mouse Tweaks causing it.
Yes, I narrowed it down to MouseTweaks. This occurs with only MouseTweaks installed on a fresh instance. It also occurs on every version of MouseTweaks currently available for 1.10.2.
So this occurs even with Forge + LiteLoader + MouseTweaks without any other mods? What Forge and LL versions are you using?
I installed clean Minecraft 1.10.2 + Forge + LiteLoader 1.10.2 + Mouse Tweaks 2.8, created a new creative world, put a chest and a crafting bench down and I don't get any freezes when opening either of those, or the chat menu.