Mouse Tweaks

Mouse Tweaks


Scroll direction seems to not change

CinnamonShaey opened this issue ยท 9 comments


i am on 1.19 and im trying to change the scroll direction but i have tried both setting it to 1 and 0 and both scroll the same way so it does not seem to work


Have you tried changing it through the mod options GUI? Just to make sure you aren't making a mistake in the config file.


first of, i did not know you could do configs in there, thats smart, but i tried all 4 options and neither changes the scroll direction, i am on a server, but i assume its client side right? so that would not have a say, and if im correct in that then i think its bugged


It's clientside and that's weird. Are you sure you're using the wheel functionality from mouse tweaks and not from some other mod? Try with just mouse tweaks and no other mods


thats gonna be hard since its a modpack, but ill try with just the same version of the mod on a clean install of minecraft and see


damn, yeah works fine in an isolated environment, would you mind helping me on finding the mod that messes with it on the modpack or is that beyond the scope of what you can do


actually not needed! found the mod that was causing it, it was "simple inventory sorter" it had keybinds for mousewheel up and mousewheel down, to do exactly the same as your mod, tho i like your mods execution of it better as i can change the direction ๐Ÿ‘Œ


You'll need to do it yourself I'm afraid. The usual suspects are simple inventory sorter, mouse wheelie, etc.


Ah, yeah, cool, that's what I thought


sorry for wasting your time! i should have checked something so simple as that!