Client side crash when loading umvuthana grove on a server
NoxNecro opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Forge version 47.2.0 (mc 1.20.1)
when trying to enter a few chunk radius around an umvuthana grove, you get kicked from the server with the following message:
"java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(32) + length(1) exceeds writerIndex(32): PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 32, widx: 32, cap: 32/33)]}"
The server only shows the user disconnecting, and doesn't mention anything out of the ordinary in any logs.
Users can log in like normal when deleting the POS entries in the [userid].dat file located in the world folder, but instantly get disconnected with a similar message. (The numbers, here 32) change. Numbers seem to always be around 30.
This only happens on servers. (I only have access to this one server, but tried and failed to replicate it on ~5 singleplayer worlds.)
Here's the modlist I used:
Here's the client's log (password = FA960rferX, 99% sure I scrubbed all important personal data but you never know):
Hello, I have the same problem when I approach umvuthana and umvuthana crane, in my case I have the geckolib.
latest log: