Failed to load on startup
crescendo12 opened this issue · 12 comments
With all the requirements in 1.14.4 (obfuscate, one extra files), it came up with the error message :
MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod (vehicle) has failed to load correctly
thank you if there is any fix!
it keep error code 225/255/whatsoever on 1.12.2, on Obfuscate 0.44.1 with any versions of vehicle mod that contains minibus, funny enough that the update log of Obfuscate says "fixed crash while loading world"
Obfuscate 0.4.1 for 1.14.4 (with the deobf), tried both 0.43.5 and 0.43.6 with deobf also installed, and forge 28.2.0
With all the requirements in 1.14.4 (obfuscate, one extra files), it came up with the error message :
MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod (vehicle) has failed to load correctly
net.minecraft.block.Block.makeCuboidShape(DDDDDD)Lnet/minecraft/util/math/shapes/VoxelShape;thank you if there is any fix!
yes, I have the same issue in forge 1.15.2.
I have obfuscate 0.4.1 and obfuscate 0.4.1 - deobf
The mod version I'm using is 0.43.5 with 0.43.5- deobf
I would be very grateful for a fix
thank you
sorry for that, forgot to send it
thank you for replying Mr Crayfish I am a big fan, and it's great to have the honor of talking to you and in my next comment i will give you the log.