Server console errors out when trying to create a world (Fabric: 1.19)
MrRagtime opened this issue ยท 7 comments
don't worry about it , the shit just doesnt work.
be happy u even watched the console else u would be stuck when u would have tried to tp to your new world.
kicked from server and no way to get back on
i made a comment about it yesterday and thats now mysteriously vanished
other people are having issues with this mod as well.
For example, issue #18 is having problems with the mod not rendering anything at all. Which is also something I'm having issues with but they're using 1.18 and I'm using 1.19.
So it seems like no matter what version you download, it just won't work.
@IsaiahPatton I've already "/mw create" in-game. nothing changes and I still get errors in my server console.