Multiworld (Fabric & Forge)

Multiworld (Fabric & Forge)


Server does not remember worlds after restart (Fabric 1.19)

timtijmen2 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


My server doesnt remember created worlds after i restart the server.
The files for the world still exist but are not used.
When i try creating a new world with the same name, notting happens. Not even some sort of chat/console message.


Hello! I am also getting this issue. This is a great mod, I hope it can be fixed soon


Hello! I am also getting this issue. This is a great mod, I hope it can be fixed soon

For some reason it deletes the files to register the world sometimes. Its in the config folder, if you recreate the files it might work.
Even tho sometimes it just wont..

namespace: <prefix>
path: <worldname>
environment: NORMAL
seed: <seed>```

the file name is  worldname.yml