Music Player

Music Player


Playback speed settings

Loggy98 opened this issue · 1 comments


Detailed description of the feature

A playback speed setting, or slider, like what exists on YouTube with 1.5, 2, 2.5, settings, and so on. Including hotkeys that increase the speed up or down by a .5 increment, so you can change the speed on the fly.

I use this mod to listen to podcasts/debates and such from YouTube while I play. But sometimes I want to listen to something that ends up being way too long. So I end up needing to open YouTube in a browser tab in the background just to use this feature, which defeats the purpose of using the mod, and means I can't use hotkeys from within the game.

Verify feature request

  • I have checked that this is not a duplicate feature request and the feature does not yet exist in the latest version

Thanks for your suggestion!
It's now possible in the latest 1.20.1 version to change the playback speed and the pitch in the settings menü.